Advent, AIDS, & Sen. Barak Obama

Advent is a season for repentance and preparation for the coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ. We read those texts from the prophets and in the Gospels that tell us of the coming of God's messiah who will judge the living and the dead. These texts tell us that we will not be judged on the orthodoxy of our theology. The standard, the "plumb line" agains which we will be judges will be love. Have we loved God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength? And, most important, have we lived our love for God by loving those whom God loves--our neighbors and our enemies?
Of course the Biblical understanding of "neighbors" is anyone and everyone who is suffering, sick, imprisoned, oppressed, and marginalized anywhere in the world. The question put to us on the day of judgment will not be "What do you believe?" but we will be asked "How well have you loved your neighbor as yourself?"
The AIDS crisis in Africa presents the Church with a critical test of the quality of its love. The Church will be judged according to how it responds to this crisis of love and compassion. A church leader who has recognized this fact is Rev. Rick Warren of Saddleback Community Church. He hosted a major conference on World AIDS Day last week. One of the speakers at the conference was Sen. Barak Obama. In this season of repentance and preparation, I encourage you to read Sen. Obama's remarks as an Advent meditation and call to action: The Race Agains Time
"It's not something you have, it's something you do."
I like Barak
10:19 PM
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