John Coltrane's Birthday Today

John Coltrane was born on September 23, 1926 in Hamlet, NC. He is one of the great musicians of the 20th century. I was introduced to his music in seminary by Josiah Young, Professor of Systematic Theology at Wesley Theological Seminary. I find Coltrane's music to powerful and deeply spiritual. He helps me to think and to write.
I often mention Coltrane as an example of a man touched by God with a powerful gift; the gift of making music. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is just like becoming and being a muscian. God gives us a gift (the capacity to love) and provides the means to develop the gift. But God leaves it up to us as to how we develop the gift, or not. The means to develop our gift, the basic practices, are the means of grace (works of piety and works of mercy). Just like a musician must practice every day, disciples must practice their craft every day. The practice brings perfection.
If you want to learn more about John Coltrane and listen to some of his music:
I found Ben Ratliff's book Coltrane: The Story of a Sound very interesting reading.
11:52 AM
Thanks for the recommendation. Steve
12:38 PM
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